If small genetic differences between us and our fellow apes account for what appears to be a vast difference in intelligence, then maybe the difference is not so vast afterall

Neil Degrasse Tyson
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Coherence: The key to unlocking full brain potential

You have heard controlling your breathing as part of Meditation, right? But what if I told you that breathing can make you a good leader. Don't trust me? They key is understand your heart beat variation and controlling it through breathing to generate a coherent signal, which is the source of unlocking full potential of your brain. I have found is Life Changing (though I have not experienced it, I certainly believe in its potential). Check it out now!!!
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Web3 Fundamentals

You know Web3.0 is not the same as Web3. If you did not know this, you should check my notes (or Google - whichever is easier). In this LinkedinLearning Course I have learnt a ton of Web3 Fundamentals - Blockchain, CryptoCurrencies, DAOs and Smart Contracts. Check out for details!

Education is more than the information we accumulate in our heads. It's the habits we develop as we keep revising our drafts and the skills we build to keep learning

Adam Grant (Think Again)

If they say, "It's a great idea, go for it, makes sense," what is the chance you're the first person to come up with it? Precisely ZERO.

Andy Ouderkirk (Inventor in 3M)
Brain image from pixabay.com

Build and deploy app within minutes with streamlit

Un-stacking the full stack developer wth streamlit. You only need to know some basic python to deploy the app that you want, and streamlit helps you do exactly that. It strips out the schenanigans of app development and deployment and let's you focus on that basics. Check this out to create and deploy your own app within minutes.
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[Notes] AI for Everyone - Coursera

AI for everyone is a short 4 week non-technical course on AI offered by deeplearning.ai on Coursera. This course defines AI, teaches how to approach AI strategy and give an overview on broadly what AI has to offer. Check out my notes on this course to dig deeper.

What is originality? Undetected plagiarism.

William Ralph Inge
person holding newspaper article

Front Page News | Dash Application

Reading news online is rarely ad free (unless you pay) and I personally find ad bombardment annoying. To get a better experience, I created this web app to tune into just the news that is minimal and informative. Sourced from "The Hindu", the app is scraping front page links and delivering in a minimalist view that is optimized for mobile. This is how it looks like. Front Page News App
Parallel Processing

Parallelize Grid-Search for XGBoost

Do you often find yourself in a situation where you are limited by computing resources? Here is five liner code that can make your workflow faster (a lot faster in some cases). I have implemented a grid search xgboost using multiprocessing to run maximum iterations in least amount of time with just 5 lines. Check out for more details!

You could never convince a monkey to give you a banana by promising him limitless bananas after death in monkey heaven.

Yuval Noah Harari

Tracking your Amazon Wishlist - Automatically

Carrying a wishlist but missing out on bes deals? Not any more!!! Here is a bit of python code base, saute'd with google spreadsheets with a dressing of tableau analytics sprinkled with a bit of automation using window's task scheduler, the automatic wishlist tracker is here to help.
ferris wheel

Sentiment Analysis using R – Lego Batman Movie

Lego Batman was definitely good movie, but, let's see what the Tweets have to say about it. A short introduction to sentiment analysis in R using two popular packages. We'll cover the basics of tweet preprocessing, compute sentiments and generate a cool wordcloud.

Facebook Scraping using Netvizz

Listening to what users have to say about a product or a service is important in today's digital strategies. But sometimes data collection is a pain & Netvizz solves the problem for Facebook quite easily. Netvizz is a tool that allows you to scrape users comments & posts on a page or in a public group.Check out for step by step guide to scraping Facebook!

The Complete Guide to Matplotlib.

Learn the most used python plotting library to visualize the simple graphs to complex charts from scratch. Most of the code and ideas are inspired from Matplotlib 3.0 Cookbook by Srinivasa Rao Poladi and implemented in this one complete blog.

We have, as human beings, a storytelling problem. We're a bit too quick to come up with explanations for things we don't really have an explanation for.

Malcolm Gladwell